Thursday 11 December 2014

Asthma is a condition where a person feels it difficult to breath: especially the expiratory. The word Asthma is being derived from Greek Language and it means panting or labored breathing. Although we call it asthma, there are different types of Asthma. It is necessary to find out the type of asthma first to begin with the treatments. 

1. Allergic Asthma: - This type of Asthma usually starts in younger ages and continues with the growth. Most of the people who are suffering from Asthma and are below thirty five years suffer from this type of Asthma. Here the allergen produces excessive immunoglobulins. Genetic factors play a major role in this type of asthma.

2. Infective or Intrinsic Asthma: - This type of asthma is totally associated with the infection in the upper respiratory tract and it is not at all hereditary. 

3. Emotional Asthma: - Many psychological factors such as anxiety, tension, etc are considered to be the reason behind this type of asthma. However, it is not confirmed whether any other biological factors are also involved here.

4. Occupational Asthma: - Those who are working in industries where there is a huge amount of metallic dust, biological detergents, flour and dust from grains, etc are prone to this type of asthma.  This type of asthma is pretty common with the stressful lives, which most of us are undertaking in the present day.

Whatever may be the type, it is necessary to treat asthma at the earliest. The first step towards this is to diagnose the disease. Allergen sensitivity test, X-ray, Spirometry, Sputum and Blood tests are the common tests used to diagnose asthma.

Treatments for Asthma

All streams of medical sciences are offering treatments for asthma. Besides there are several home remedies too, which have been passed through generations. However, treatment for asthma in homeopathy is found to be a bit different as it treats the illness and is not aimed at providing symptomatic relief.

 An expert Homeopath will certainly study the symptoms in depth. Similarly, he or she will study the medical history, family history and the physical and psychological characteristics of the patient in detail before deciding the treatment. This detailed study will help to find out the real cause, precipitating factors and the hereditary tendencies. This will certainly help in determining the most effective treatment.

When the treatment for asthma in homeopathy is the most effective, it is less expensive too when compared to many other treatments. Secondly, the homeopathic medicines will never produce any side effects unlike the modern medicines. These are the major two factors, which make homeopathic treatment popular.

However, it is you who should decide about the treatment, but it is necessary to get asthma treated immediately. Otherwise, it will affect the total health of your body and your normal life will be disturbed.  Last but not the least when you choose a doctor, look for one who has a proven track record in this domain.


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