Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Wheat allergy is the outcome of extra sensitivity of the immune system to protein gluten in wheat.  Its specific causes are not yet known. The available evidence tends to show that wheat allergy is inherited. Gliadins and glutamines are the wheat proteins that form gluten together. Gluten causes immunoglobulin E-assisted reactions and the symptoms of wheat allergy.

Allergy symptoms

Wheat allergy symptoms include atopic dermatitis, urticaria, asthma and sometimes exercise-induced anaphylaxis. The four allergens in wheat are albumin, gliadian, globulin, and wheat gluten. In many countries, wheat is the staple food. In India, it is eaten in the form of chapatis, rotis, puris, paranthas, biscuits, cakes, breads, pavs, cookies, burgers and sandwiches. So, it becomes difficult to have a wheat-free diet. Wheat substitutes include ragi, millet, bajra, and jowar, corn, amaranth, arrow root, buckwheat, oat, potato, rice, or soybean.

The symptoms of wheat allergy include a respiratory reaction such as wheezing, a skin disease, or gastrointestinal disorders rooted in the damage to the inner lining of the small intestine. Affected by wheat allergy, villi in the small intestine lose their capability to absorb nutrients.

Detection tests

Even mere touching wheat products, breathing air carrying wheat flour particles and inhaling vapors of wheat products can cause allergy. Stools can be abnormal, foul smelling and clay-colored. They may show some blood too. Loss of appetite, vomiting, anemia and weight loss are also common. Wasted muscles in arms and legs and slow growth in children are also part of the symptoms. If someone with a healthy diet displays loss of weight, vitamin deficiency, and anemia, it could be a case of wheat allergy. Diarrhea is common among wheat allergy patients.

A positive biopsy of jejunum, a section of the small intestine, shows abnormal intestinal lining. Tests are conducted to check anemia and any retardation in growth. Detailed history of the patient and the family can help to reach a diagnosis. Some wheat allergy tests are conducted. They include blood test and skin prick test.

Gluten-free diet

The treatment of wheat allergy includes a life-long gluten-free diet. This necessitates elimination of all foods containing wheat. This is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Homeopathy wheat allergy approach is to remove both the signs and the symptoms. Homeopathy tries to treat the allergy and also do something about the original cause. It tries to overcome nutritional deficiencies by prescribing vitamin and mineral supplements. It also treats the patient’s personal susceptibility to the proteins in wheat.

Homeopathy treats the causes

Homeopathy medicines reduce the body’s hyper sensitivity to gluten to the normal level. When the patient’s stool becomes normal, when the hemoglobin level increases, and when the patient stops experiencing pain, the homeopath starts giving wheat biscuit or bread to the patient once or twice a week. This continues until the body begins to adapt itself to gluten. The quantity of biscuits or bread is increased to a single full meal of wheat every day. After a certain period, both the meals can include wheat, but the entire process is slow and gradual. 

Some of the homeopathic medicines useful in this treatment are berberis vulgaris, copavia officinalis, natrum mur, natrum sulph,  carbo veg, causticum, kali act, lachesis, plumbum met, colchicum, natrum carb, vomica, psorinum, rhus tox, and sulphur.


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