Vitiligo is a skin disease. The skin pigment is lost for some reason or it is not formed by the skin cells in sufficient quantities. The result is the formation of irregular white patches on the skin. Vitiligo patches are more common on the exposed body parts like the face, hands, arms, and the neck. The patch formation, its growth and its speed are all random. Although vitiligo is not a serious or painful disease physically, it leaves psychological scars on the mind of the persons suffering from it, especially in young age. The reasons behind the appearance and the growth of vitiligo are still not clear. But it is supposed to be the net result of genetic, auto immunological, allergy, hormonal and stress factors operating within the patient’s body.
Ineffective approaches
Various traditional methods of different systems of medicine try to treat vitiligo in many ways. Some try to hide the patches by using cosmetics. Some drugs are applied to the patches and exposed to the sun. Ultraviolet radiation, application of colors and grafting are some of the other options. Some attempt at modifying the appearance of the patches without trying to cure the root cause. Some go in for solutions like steroidal creams to phototherapy. Some even seek to tattoo the patches. Such approaches neither can stop the spread of the patches nor can be an effective and permanent solutions to the disease.
A disturbed body system
For homeopathy, vitiligo is the outcome of a disturbance in the body system. It goes over the case history meticulously and studies the spread, location, and duration of the patches. It takes into account any evidence of auto-immune or thyroid disorders in the patient. It gives due weightage to the psychological condition of the patients, many of whom are the victim of extra stress and depression brought on by the disease.
A good beginning
Homeopathic treatment for vitiligo begins by attempting to first slow down and then stop the continued destruction of the pigment and the growth of the patches. It tries to restore the process of pigment formation in the existing patches. Homeopathic medicines aim at restoring and boosting the body’s own natural capacity to produce normal melanin pigmentation. Homeopathic medicines arsenic baryta mur, arsenic album, sulph falvus, and baryta carb are among the many drugs that lead to encouraging results.
Dos and don’ts for patients
Homeopaths advise the patients to expose the affected body areas to the early morning sun daily, to avoid cosmetics, to use a mild soap, to include enough meat, liver, cereals, beans, lentils and green leafy vegetables in the diet, to avoid citrus fruits, tamarind, fish, lobsters, red meat, crabs and prawns, to avoid steroids and to develop a positive attitude to living.
A long treatment
There can be no predictions about the time period and the extent of success of the treatment. These also depend upon the magnitude of the patches, their duration and their location. Big patches need longer period to heal. Patches on fingers and toes and around lips usually take more time to heal. In general, the process of curing of vitiligo is rather long and may take years.
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